Disney’s World of Color

If I’m with the grandkids, I like whatever they like and just enjoy being with them. If I’m with the little kids, I love to go on It’s a Small World, the Carousel, the Storybook boat ride and anything else in Fantasy Land.
I used to love the Electric Light Parade — especially that synthesized soundtrack. It makes me happy still when I hear that never-ending song — wherever I am.
Last week, I decided I wanted to see the Wonderful World of Color Show before my summer blackout dates kick in. It started showing at California Adventure last Summer and we still hadn’t had a chance to see it.
I had heard that you could buy a dinner which included reserved spots for the World of Color show. In my mind, I thought that buying the special dinner package would mean enjyoing our dinner while we sat and watched the show.
But we found out that you just pick up a reserved meal (we had the cold fried chicken dinners; they were pretty decent except for the cole slaw). The dinner is eaten by the winery long before the show begins; you’re just give a special pass for the show. — and that meant that we got to stand around with everyone else — but in a specially designated standing area — not necessarily at the front of the crowd or anything but not bad. John and I just sat on the pavement and enjoyed watching the people around us and the Mickey Ferris Wheel across the water with its colorful changing light patterns.
I loved the way the show began with the theme song from the old Wonderful World of Disney television show from the 60’s….”the world is a carousel of color”. Anyone around my age (you know, 52) has some great memories of Sunday evenings watching “Disneyland” with the family.
The show featured some other favorites too, A Whole New World and for this watershow, the song “Just Around the Riverbend” worked so well too.
Anyway, we both enjoyed the show — it was just great to be outside on a nice early Summer evening at the Happiest Place on Earth.